

香港北區管弦樂團,沙田管弦樂團,香港粵曲交響樂團,北區藝術中心, 香港家庭弦樂五重奏,香港-澳大利亞音樂家聯盟,香港-深圳音樂家聯盟,譚氏亦是 職業訓練局VTC管弦樂團 創團指揮。

Dedicating his life to the development of community orchestras and music education, Mr. Tam established various organizations to make his music dreams come true. They Include the Hong Kong North Philharmonic Orchestra, the Shatin Philharmonic Orchestra, the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra of Chinese Opera, the North District Art Centre, the Hong Kong Family Quintet and Hong Kong- Australian Musician Alliance. Each of these music organizations has its own characters and missions; yet, they all aim at promoting classical music in community, and they are all growing in terms of both no. of participants and performance level.

Mr. Tam is also the founder and conductor of Hong Kong Vocational Training Council Orchestra. In recent years, Mr. Tam decided to focus more on music education, to nurture future musicians for Hong Kong.

1992年 北區藝術中心成立


1993年 香港北區管弦樂團成立

『香港北區管弦樂團』於1993年成立,為香港首隊地區管弦樂團,每逢週日於北區大會堂排練,二十多年從未間斷,並舉辦了多個音樂會,廣受好評。樂團亦多次受邀參與電台、電視台節目,及為慈善籌款活動義演。曾與小提琴家梁建楓、鋼琴家吳美樂、胡琴家魏冠華、古箏演奏家 羅晶,等合作, 是本港目前唯一有能力演奏Paganini 小提琴協奏曲, Rachmaninov 鋼琴協奏曲的地區管弦樂團。08年4月參加北京國際青少年音樂節,在中央音樂學院音樂廳表演,獲得獎項。

1994年 沙田管弦樂團成立

許多,許多年前,香港只得零星幾個藝團,音樂界像遠古地球初期般混囤寂靜,外界稱謂文化沙漠。‘天地玄黃,宇宙洪荒’狀態,直至『香港北區管弦樂團』、『沙田管弦樂團』相繼成立,扎根社區推廣音樂文化,將管弦樂團傳統貴族藝術普及化,一步一腳印,盤古開天地般,掙起一片新天地,鼓舞影響和牽動了許多後來者,爭相仿效,各類藝團紛紛湧現,香港音樂文化開始蓬勃發展,形成百花齊放繁盛景象,作為先驅和開拓者,『沙田管弦樂團』將永載史冊。Very many years ago, Hong Kong had only a few art groups. The music sector was just like the dead state before the BigBang, so Hong Kong was named the “culture desert”. This primeval like situation persisted until the establishment of the “Hong Kong North Philharmonic Orchestra” and the “Sha Tin Philharmonic Orchestra” came about 20 years ago. They were rooted in the communities to promote the music culture, and to introduce orchestra play that once only the nobles could enjoy to the public. Step by step, just like the development of the Mother Nature, orchestra play was flourished with the initiation of the two orchestras. Many music groups then followed, and the music culture in Hong Kong stirred up, like the budding in the spring. As a pioneer, the “Sha Tin Philharmonic Orchestra” is recorded in the music history of Hong Kong.

2000年 香港粵曲交響樂團成立


2007年 沙田管弦樂團B團成立

.12月與新加坡Tanjong Katong Girls’ School樂團交流排練

2009年 沙田管弦樂團C團成立


2008年 香港-澳大利亞音樂家聯盟成立


2009年 香港-深圳音樂家聯盟成立


2009年 香港北區管弦樂團(深圳)分團成立
